The Pima property values map
An awesome, explorable visualization of Pima County's 307,691 residential properties, showing the geographic distribution of wealth by color. Click on one at any zoom level for more info.
Arizona's congressional districts, by the numbers
An interactive map of Arizona's nine congressional districs that shows each district's representative, voter registration stats, and how they lean politically.
Arizona's legislative districts, by the numbers
An interactive map of Arizona's 30 legislative districs that shows each district's house reps and senator, voter registration stats, and how they lean politically.
Pima County district finder
A web tool that asks the user to input an address, then outputs a pop-up with political districts that contain that address. Click on one, its boundaries appear on the map. Made with Google Maps Platform APIs.
The LA property values map
An visualization of single family homes in Los Angeles County, showing the geographic distribution of wealth by color. Click on one at any zoom level for more info.